MLA for
Sackville - Uniacke
"Proven Experience - Proven Results"
Solutions for Nova Scotians
THANK YOU - I am very proud to have been re-elected MLA for Sackville - Uniacke on the November 26, 2024 Election. I will be updating this site soon, however until then the information here is still valid.
Election Day
Tuesday November 26, 2024
8am - 8pm
Poll Locations:
Poll Location Advanced:
You do not need a voter card just bring a piece of photo ID with your current address.
To be eligible to Vote You Must:
Be 18 years of age or older on election day
Be a Canadian citizen
Have lived in Nova Scotia at least six months by the date the election is called.
Click here to visit Elections NS official website.
Elections Nova Scotia is an independent, non-partisan agency that is responsible for the administration of the Elections Act. Its mandate is to conduct provincial general elections, by-elections, liquor plebiscites and to ensure compliance with the provincial electoral law.
Click here to visit Elections NS official website
This is the official Elections Nova Scotia site to confirm your voting location.
If you or someone you know requires assistance or a drive to either an Advanced poll or on Regular Voting Day, please contact me and I will ensure you receive assistance.
I can be reached at